(#132001) Template name does not exist in the translation

I have been following meta github repo: https://github.com/fbsamples/whatsapp-api-examples/tree/main/send-messages-movie-ticket-app-js

  1. Even after approved message template I am getting error (message: '(#132001) Template name does not exist in the translation') . What might be the issue?
  2. Also where to get "language locale" list, though I have mentioned correct here but asking for future reference.

Code: function getTemplatedMessageInput(recipient, movie, seats) { return JSON.stringify({ "messaging_product": "whatsapp", "to": recipient, "type": "template", "template": { "name": "movie_ticket_confirm", "language": { "code": "en_US" }, }}

Error : I am getting error for post request of "/buyTicket" , and if I log the error as: .catch(function (error) { console.log("Error status:", error.response.status); console.log("Error headers:", error.response.headers); console.log("Error data:", error.response.data); return; });

I am getting : Error status: 404 Error headers: { vary: 'Origin, Accept-Encoding', 'x-ad-api-version-warning': 'The call has been auto-upgraded to v20.0 as v19.0 will be deprecated.', 'x-business-use-case-usage': '{"334070766458397" ........ connection: 'close' } Error data: { error: { message: '(#132001) Template name does not exist in the translation', type: 'OAuthException', code: 132001, error_data: { messaging_product: 'whatsapp', details: 'template name (movie_ticket_confirm) does not exist in en_US' }, fbtrace_id: 'A4klAcEqOGO78RFh85126Dq' } }

質問日時: 約5ヶ月前