URL returned a bad HTTP response code. 429

When sharing my website content to facebook nine times out of ten I'm getting no image appearing. and when I enter the url into the sharing debugger it returns "URL returned a bad HTTP response code. 429" Occasionally it says everything is fine but if I scrape it again it says it's bad again. Sometimes it shares the url successfully on facebook but this happens very rarely. I have been sharing my website content to facebook without issue for over twelve years until this issue started a week ago.

Is this just a facebook glitch and should I just wait it out until they fix it or is there an issue with my site ?

Can anyone assist ?

*Running WordPress on shared hosting i.e. you won't be able to adjust server rate limits. *I don't use a social media share plugin * Meta for Developers - Application Rate Limit 0% of Limit Used. Users Throttled 0

Đã hỏi khoảng 4 tháng trước
Câu trả lời được chọn

Debug this on your end to learn why your (!) server returns a 429 response code for some requests.

17 tháng 6 lúc 02:29