Business Asset User Profile Access - Review Failed

Reviewer’s Notes:

Hi Team,

We're unable to approve your request because the submitted screencast is invalid. It did not showcase on the screencast the ID and the Name that mentioned on use case.

Please refer to the permission decision for more details.

Thank you.

The video has already explained that the API is required to return the commenter’s ID and NAME, but approval has still not been granted.

Ivy Wu
質問日時: 約4ヶ月前

No idea what answer you expect. Nobody here knows your screencast or any other details about that app or submission.

8月8日 10:03

Notes from your reviewer: Hi Team!

We were unable to approved this permission due to the use case mentioned is unclear/invalid. It would be preferable if you provide a detailed explanation of how you intend to use this permission in your app.

This permission allows an app to read user profile data for users engaging with their business assets. This feature allows the business app to access the following user fields:

  • ID
  • Name
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Middle Name
  • IDs for business
  • Short Name Fields
  • User Profile Photo/Picture

My description request

  1. After I receive the incoming message hook event,
  2. And then, I using ASID to send request to node /user to get some public information about the customer (name, profile_pic)
  3. I save it to my database and show it to customers to see profile_pic and name to reply comment on post, so they get a better personalized experience when using our services

Can you help me see where I'm wrong ? @Lars

8月26日 20:01

Or you can tell me how I should rewrite it

8月26日 20:02

Can you tell me what the description is in the request you sent @Ivy Wu

8月26日 19:57