/me/accounts retornando {"data":[]}

I am experiencing a permissions error with my app: "Permission Error - pages_messaging or User associated with the Page access token does not have an appropriate role on the Page." This issue is preventing me from retrieving all the pages a user has access to, and Instagram pages are not showing in the instagram_business_account field.

I am trying to get a complete list of pages associated with my user ID. In my user profile, I see a list of 9 pages, and I have an admin role on several of them. I expect to see pages associated with a specific Business Manager. The token is valid, and no permissions have been revoked, yet the pages_messaging permission error persists.

Additionally, we have discovered that calling the me/accounts endpoint is returning an empty data array ({"data":[]}). The data returned by this endpoint is expected to include all pages associated with a user, but currently, it includes none, even though clients have confirmed they have the appropriate permissions.

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