부분 중단share-external
I created an app to allow our users to post photos to facebook. How do I get/request permissions?

I am trying to add or request these permissions from FB for our app: pages_manage_posts,pages_read_engagement,pages_show_list. But I can't figure out where in the app dashboard I do this.

질문함 약 4개월 전
선택한 답변

In the App Reciew section

7월 15일 오전 11:36

I tried that, but the App Review section only lists one "Use Case" called "Authentication and account creation". When I click "customize", I see no place to ADD any permission requests beyond: "email" and "public_profile". I've tried adding other "Use Cases", but I still don't see a way to add permission requests.

7월 15일 오후 1:49

anybody? :-(

7월 22일 오후 12:27