Get Comment "From" user object

Hello There -

I have built an app that reads user-generated comments on Facebook page posts. However, I noticed a critical issue. When the user who commented does not have a role in the app, the object 'From' is empty, potentially leading to a significant loss of data.

Facebook has reviewed and approved the App with the following advanced permission.

'email,' 'pages_show_list', 'pages_read_user_content', 'instagram_basic', 'public_profile', 'pages_read_engagement', 'business_management',

Do you know why I cannot get the "from" object, which is the user who commented on my Facebook page post? Is there any specific permission that I am missing?

Here some example response:

{ "comments": { "data": [ { "message": "Muhammad Faizan Faizi - this is comment to validate the #podprizes", "id": "484364157279029_436902249113445" }, { "message": "JLRecharge: Secure & Fast Top-Ups JLRecharge Group - Official", "id": "484364157279029_783751097227435" }, { "message": "JLRecharge: Secure & Fast Top-Ups 💯💯", "id": "484364157279029_380601641682163" }, { "message": "JLRecharge: Secure & Fast Top-Ups 🙏💪", "id": "484364157279029_1366715753974389" }, { "from": { "name": "Justimiano Alves", "id": "7433597986660491" }, "message": "Justimiano Alves and JLRecharge: Secure & Fast Top-Ups , @followers - Let's share good vibe about JLRecharge: Secure & Fast Top-Ups", "id": "484364157279029_325325147280191" } ], "paging": { "cursors": { "before": "NQZDZD", "after": "MQZDZD" } } }, "id": "111709924432992_484364157279029" }

The One that I have object From is because the user has Role in the App.

Thank you, Justmiano Alves

質問日時: 約4ヶ月前