Missing results for reached_audience_demographics

We don't get results for reached_audience_demographics since 2024-08-24 (last Saturday). Here are the response we're getting:

  "data": [
      "name": "reached_audience_demographics",
      "total_value": {
        "breakdowns": [
            "dimension_keys": [
      "id": "page-id/insights/reached_audience_demographics/lifetime"

I've hidden the page-id, but it happens for all pages we have an access.

Asked about 2 months ago
Selected Answer

Do you have any update on this? The problem still occurs. We don't get any results (values) for this metric.

August 26 at 11:48 PM

We have a slight variation of this issue on our end as well. the results are unavailable for engaged demographics, whatever the breakdown.

The issue is easily reproducible on graph explorer. It seems to work fine for reached and follower demographics.

We're gonna continue investigating with various accounts for comparison. But for now we can't detect any documented reason for these missing results.

August 27 at 6:36 AM

it seems fixed now

August 28 at 12:39 AM

I thought so, but it doesn't work today.

August 28 at 6:12 AM

I'm experiencing the same issue, data has been inconsistent/missing for about a week

August 30 at 8:26 AM