Error when subscribing to Whatsapp webhook

Hi! I'm developing a messaging solution, where I will manage my customers' Whatsapp communications. To achieve that, I'm using Facebook Login to get an access token. With that token, I'm able to fetch bussinesses data, as well as Whatsapp Bussiness Accounts related to those bussinesses, and info of each number.

However, when I try to subscribe an account to a webhook, I get the following error:

{ "error": { "message": "Application does not have permission for this action", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 10, "error_subcode": 2388097, "is_transient": false, "error_user_title": "App no vinculada a un negocio", "error_user_msg": "Tu app no está vinculada a un negocio o el negocio no tiene acceso a la cuenta de WhatsApp Business. Ve a la configuración del negocio de Meta: en la pestaña \"Apps\" en \"Cuenta\", haz clic en \"Agregar\" y selecciona \"Conectar un identificador de la app\" para vincular tu app con el negocio.", "fbtrace_id": "Auc1CZ4kPVzdG2BwWD-CdWF" } }

This is the URL I'm sending the POST request to:

Being 103926569352137 the WABA id that I'm trying to subscribe. When I enter bussiness management page, I can see my app linked to this account. The app id is 777405927224344. It's still a test app, since I'm getting ready to send it to review.

I've already revised this post, but I can already see the app linked.

When I use the debug_token endpoint, I can see the following:

{ "data": { "app_id": "777405927224344", "type": "USER", "application": "Dupin Dev", "data_access_expires_at": 1727216313, "expires_at": 0, "is_valid": true, "issued_at": 1719440314, "scopes": [ "email", "pages_show_list", "business_management", "pages_messaging", "instagram_basic", "whatsapp_business_management", "instagram_manage_messages", "pages_manage_metadata", "whatsapp_business_messaging", "public_profile" ], "granular_scopes": [ { "scope": "pages_show_list", "target_ids": [ "113861868237915" ] }, { "scope": "business_management", "target_ids": [ "1001969807901779", "239264988767000" ] }, { "scope": "pages_messaging", "target_ids": [ "113861868237915" ] }, { "scope": "instagram_basic", "target_ids": [ "17841457670809719" ] }, { "scope": "whatsapp_business_management", "target_ids": [ "103926569352137" ] }, { "scope": "instagram_manage_messages", "target_ids": [ "17841457670809719" ] }, { "scope": "pages_manage_metadata", "target_ids": [ "113861868237915" ] }, { "scope": "whatsapp_business_messaging", "target_ids": [ "103926569352137" ] } ], "user_id": "249417978190936" } }

Can anyone tell me what I'm missing? I'm running out of ideas.

Asked about 2 weeks ago
Selected Answer

If you've got a Business (, you'll need to add your application 777405927224344 to be owned by that business.

June 27 at 11:41 AM

When I go into the app manager, I already see this app as mine.

Also, this will give me trouble later when I want to subscribe my customer's wabas to my webhook. I can't make them own my app. Isn't embedded signup supposed to allow this?

June 27 at 12:06 PM

Yes app manager will show you that the app is yours, but the issue is that the app needs to be owned by a business, not an individual.

Visit to see if you have an existing business to add your application ownership under (otherwise, create one).

June 27 at 11:31 PM

I guess that is pretty much what the support folks said in that ticket you linked - you need to have the app linked to a business.

June 27 at 11:32 PM