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My app violation has been resolved but my app is still restricted

We have resolved a Platform term violation, however our API access is still restricted because our respnse was delayed and breached Platform Term 7.e.i.1 - Timely response to our requests.
(see attached screenshot)

Does anyone know how to resolve this? The notice does not provide any method for me to respond to to fix it.

تم طرح السؤال منذ حوالي ‏٥‏ أشهر
الإجابة المحددة

Same problem

‏١٣ يونيو‏‏٣:٢٧ ص‏111

I have the same issue (our application has even been restricted before the end of the delay given for resolving the issues). Now we have all the issues resolved but our app still restricted does anyone know what to do?

‏١٨ يونيو‏‏٧:٢٤ ص‏111