Hi, a few days ago I was receiving messages correctly with attachments or contexts. But I'm trying today and I'm not receiving the complete json.
Here is the documentation, which says that nothing has changed:
I need help, I don't know if it's because of something in the code, configuration or payment on the account.
{ "object": "whatsapp_business_account", "entry": [ { "id": "365366813322807", "changes": [ { "value": { "messaging_product": "whatsapp", "metadata": { "display_phone_number": "....", "phone_number_id": "...." }, "contacts": [ { "profile": { "name": "...." }, "wa_id": "58412...." }], "messages": [ { "from": "58412...", "id": "wamid....=", "timestamp": "1731960113", "type": "image" }] }, "field": "messages" }] }] }
Same here with multiples clients
After several hours, meta simply resent the context and the attachment, it seems that it is an internal problem of meta and not of us, let's wait for some news.
Same here, the context is also missing for the Interactive Messages (buttons). Now we can not know which button was pressed and in response to which message ("replyingTo" context).
We have not change any code related to this.
Any updates on this issue?
same!!!! here!!!!!
Same here! Please share an ETA for the fix!
Same problem here in Brazil. The page status https://metastatus.com/whatsapp-business-api have only one issue, but it doesn't seem to be that. I thought the delivery method for this type of package had changed, as text messages still work, but I didn't find anything relevant in the official documentation, does anyone have any clue as to what it could be?
I believe there is an endpoint to retrieve message information using its ID.
No, there is not such endpoint
Do you think this is a mistake and the solution is really to wait?
same for me!
Same here
Same here.
Same issue here
Same here
Same here
Same here
Same here
Same here
Same here! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Same for me, it started to happen a couple hours ago