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Assistance Needed to Complete Number Registration in WhatsApp Business API -Status Stuck on Pending)

I want to register a number in my WhatsApp Business Account so that the status shows "Connected." I have set up a WhatsApp Business Account, verified the business, added payment details, and configured the necessary permissions in the app (including Subscribe to WhatsApp-Messages). The number has been successfully added and verified via SMS.

The issue is that the status for the number remains stuck on "Pending" with no progress. It seems like there’s an API call I need to complete to establish the connection, but I’m not sure exactly what is missing. I suspect a specific test API call is required in the API setup to change the status to "Connected."

Could you please clarify which step or API call is necessary to activate the status?

Ditanyakan sekitar 2 minggu yang lalu
Jawaban yang Dipilih

call the register endpoint. Let me find the api

20 November pukul 22.46

i cant find the doc but here's the api call to register a phone number to cloud api



Authorization: Bearer <token>


  "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
20 November pukul 22.51