Is there an error with Ad Library API?

I am analyzing information about a term in the ad library, I apply the filter for a specific country (MX) and from the website I get 20 results between active and inactive ads. When I replicate this request from the API I do send the 'ad_active_status=all' field It always returns the only inactive ad. If, on the other hand, I send the field as 'ad_active_status=active' it does not bring data and when I send 'ad_active_status=inactive' it brings that only ad. My question is the api is not taking the parameter that I sent in 'ad_active_status' or am I setting up the request wrong?

This is the request:"IOSOFFICES"&ad_type=ALL&ad_reached_countries=['US']&fields=id,ad_creation_time,ad_delivery_start_time,ad_delivery_stop_time,ad_snapshot_url,currency,demographic_distribution,bylines,impressions,page_id,page_name,estimated_audience_size,publisher_platforms,delivery_by_region,spend,ad_creative_bodies,ad_creative_link_captions,ad_creative_link_descriptions,ad_creative_link_titles&ad_active_status=active&media_type=ALL&limit=100

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الإجابة المحددة

After doing a few additional tests, I see that regardless of the term it always brings me the inactive ads and never returns the active ones

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