always return not_authorized on app that have error message "We've disabled this app for violating the Meta Platform Terms and Developer Policies. You can continue to use it in development mode"

I have an App for my stagging, and it had an error "We've disabled this app for violating the Meta Platform Terms and Developer Policies. You can continue to use it in development mode. Read more or appeal", but when click on Read more there is no informations regarding to that error, and it says "None of your apps are restricted.".

My FB.getLoginStatus is always return not_authorized even when 'm login using my Account that registered as "Developer" Role in my apps (the Stagging one)

Also have another apps that doesn't have that error message and it's working.

So my question is, is it the error message of "We've disabled this app ..." is the reason why I got this always return not_authorized error ? if it so, how to solved it ?

Thank you.

Asked about 6 months ago
Selected Answer

Hello Ilham,

Yes, the application returned to the developer mode due to the violations.

Can you go to the application page for the developer, submit an appeal and reply here to let us know if you were able to approve the application again?

January 3 at 11:53 PM

Hi Manuel,

Thanks for replying, I went here, but there is nothing to appeal. Should it be just Administrator who can submit appeal ? cause currently my Role is just "Developer"

January 4 at 6:54 PM

Maybe that is the case. Can you ask the administrator to appeal and reply here to let us know if the administrator can submit the appeal?

January 7 at 7:43 PM

Hi Manuel, currently my role is changed to Administrator, but when I access tis page there is still empty on the "None of your apps are restricted." or maybe am I in the wrong page for submitting the Appeal ?

January 7 at 10:39 PM

Hello Ilham, if the application is developer mode, can you send HTTP requests with a user added to the application configuration as test user?

January 13 at 9:01 PM

So is it in developer mode just accept http ? cause curently I'm using FB Login button, and using FB.getLoginStatus to checked it

January 16 at 6:56 PM

Hello Illham, it seems in the latest versions of Facebook API only HTTPS sites are supported. Are you using HTTP to access your application site?

January 17 at 1:41 AM

No, its already access in HTTPS. By the way, last week I found a message from the archived and it says that our app is missing the deadline for the business verification, then we sent the verification and already approved by today. But why the message "We've disabled this ..." is still appear ? is it the verification is not related to this error ?

January 17 at 3:03 AM