How to fix access to XMLHttpRequest blocked by CORS policy in Facebook customer chat?

I have added customer chat plugin code generated by Facebook wizard on my otherwise empty page.

< script> window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({ xfbml : true, version : 'v18.0' }); };

In the plugin settings I have provided correct domain with https protocol. I also whitelisted that domain for the page. I have no country or age restrictions. The chat loads and seems to work correctly. But after a few minutes I am getting hundreds of errors in my browser console. I tried different browsers.

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '<page_id>&request_time=1699479661195&sdk=joey&should_use_new_domain=false&suppress_http_code=1' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

GET<page_id>&request_time=1699479661195&sdk=joey&should_use_new_domain=false&suppress_http_code=1 net::ERR_FAILED 400 (Bad Request)

I don't know what else I can do to troubleshoot this problem.

질문함 약 8개월 전

Same problem here.

1월 4일 오전 4:22
선택한 답변

We had the same issue, the chat work perfectly, but the console have several errors, we had an impact because other report platforms show this kind of issues. Any update about this?

1월 24일 오후 12:24

No, I never solved that.

1월 24일 오후 2:23

Still a problem for me too.

11월 28일 오후 1:10