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Conversion API Stopped Tracking On Campaign Level

Hi Meta Developers,

I hope everything is going well. Today, I encountered some issues with my Meta Conversion pixel. I'm using Stape CAPI conversions, and for weeks it worked with almost 100% accuracy. However, the tracking suddenly stopped today.

I tested the event conversion myself using the same landing page URL, and I can see the pixel firing correctly. However, my campaign registered 12 conversions today, none of which were tracked. I reached out to Stape CAPI, and they confirmed that everything appears to be working fine on their end.

I was hoping you could help me figure out what’s going on. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

Kind regards, Bas

Ditanyakan sekitar 3 minggu yang lalu
Jawaban yang Dipilih

Hello Bas, You say your Stape CAPI conversions, and for weeks it worked with almost 100% accuracy. so first you focus your Check for Event Deduplication Issues. Ensure that your Event ID values match between the Browser Pixel and Server Event versions in Stape CAPI. If these values don’t align, Meta may not properly deduplicate events, causing tracking issues.

In the second time Review Event Manager Diagnostics In Meta Events Manager, check the Diagnostics tab. Sometimes, errors or warnings there indicate potential setup issues, such as missing parameters or issues with deduplication.

Thiredly, Verify the CAPI Events in Meta’s Test Events Too.

1 November pukul 11.50
MD Nuru

Lastly, Check Stape Server Logs Since you’re using Stape, look into their server logs for your events to confirm that the conversions you’re expecting were processed. This can reveal any connectivity issues or other irregularities on the server side.

If the issue persists, let me know. I can walk you through other steps, like ensuring parameter integrity and testing deduplication settings. You need any help feel free ask me:

1 November pukul 11.51
MD Nuru