Ngừng hoạt động một phầnshare-external
Request for Access to Create Page Set on Facebook

I am reaching out because I need to create a Page Set via the Facebook API. However, upon reviewing your documentation, I found that the PageSet endpoint is only accessible to partners on the allow list. Currently, my ad account does not seem to be on the allowed list, preventing me from proceeding.

The relevant documentation mentions:

"The PageSet endpoint is currently only available to Partners on the allow list. Please contact your Facebook representative for access."

Could you kindly guide me on how I can make my ad account eligible for this feature? If there are any specific steps, requirements, or approvals needed from my side, please let me know.

Đã hỏi khoảng 3 tuần trước
Câu trả lời được chọn

You may need to create a verified Facebook for Developers account connected to a Facebook Business Manager Suite account to request access to create page set on Facebook. The verified Facebook for Developers account connected to a Facebook Business Manager Suite may allow you access.

29 tháng 10 lúc 10:12
Eugene Harold