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How can I request new permissions?

I have business verification, app review and my app is live, but I don't know how to request new permissions. I only have 3 options that you can see on the screen, there is nothing in any of them that interests me. Ultimately I would like to get the manage_pages permission.

Ditanyakan sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu
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You just add/remove permissions from the scope parameter in the oAuth URL, and send the user to re-authenticate (connect) with it. It'll prompt them to approve the new permissions.

BTW, it's good practice to check for allowed permissions before trying to use them, as users can go back and secure the permissions in their social account.

On a side note, how did you get the website link verified? Can you share the app and website link so we can have a look? Our Tech Provider access verification keeps getting prompted (and rejected) for the business website link, and we're kinda lost at this point. .

20 September pukul 16.01

I want to be able to read comments from my Facebook page, which the manage_pages permission would give me (or at least I think so), hence I didn't verify my own website. I'm sorry I am not able to help You.

22 September pukul 11.40