Instagram API when trying to login is returning Status Code 429

We're facing a issue that every time we try to authenticate with Instagram API, it is returning status code 429 of Too Many Requests

We double checked our code implementation with documentation and we are following and complying with every step

This error occurs when We're using our App on Wi-Fi, but on 5G network it works properly, the same occurs if we use a VPN

We tried to debug with Postman, the requested worked for the first few times, but later we were blocked, it started to return 429 and never returned. On our debugging sessions, we got the request url and tries to use on device safari and chrome and worked under Wi-fi

We checked API rate limits, and we never got over the rate limit, in fact, we never reached a high percent of usage of API.

We've double checked User-agent in the Header of the request we're using and we are sending properly

The Header response does not have a Retry After It's been already a few days and the app does not start working back again.

Could you help me on how to solve this problem? Explain why the problem is happening? And how to not get and this block list?

(While testing to write this report, the integration started working, but a few minutes later stopped again.)

質問日時: 金曜日