Unauthrized payment to Meta

Hi! My account was somehow hacked. Somebody got in my account and started to run some scam ads. In several hours they spent around 1000$ from which 750$ was paid and the rest are in debt in my account as when I realized I deleted my paymernt method. I contacted Meta support and they responded with some copy/paste text saying that they noticed some unusual activity, limited my account and that now its normal again. That does not help me at all. I feel very frustrated and specially I feel that there is no support from Meta. There is no way to even get into a live chat with somebody. When they reply to some open cases its allways ChatGPT style answers that help to solve nothing. With a brief search on the internet I realized that there are plenty of people that where scammed just in the same way as I was. This is not a single case. Please somebody help me. What can I do to get a refund? I just cant afford that money right now.

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