Not able to get the Page Public Metadata access permission

I want to allow user to add the location to there Instagram post using my platform and facebook api supports this by giving the page id with the name of the location and to search the pages from facebook Page Public Metadata Access permission is requires and I have tried applying for it mulitple times but each time facebook rejected it saying that the use case is not valid. Please help me how can I get the Page Public Metadata Access Advanced permission.

Вопрос задан около 4 мес. назад
Выбранный ответ

Obtaining Page Public Metadata Access permission from Facebook can be tricky, as they have strict guidelines for use cases. To increase your chances of approval, ensure that your application clearly outlines how allowing users to add location to their Instagram posts using your platform adds value and enhances user experience. Highlight any privacy measures you have in place and demonstrate how you will responsibly handle user data. Additionally, consider reaching out to Facebook's developer support for guidance on improving your application and addressing any concerns they may have raised in previous rejections. Good luck!

14 июня в 05:16