Tin tức dành cho nhà phát triển
How To: Get Started with the Open Graph

At Facebook's core is the social graph; people and the connections they have to everything they care about. Historically, Facebook has managed this graph and has expanded it over time as we launch new products (photos, places, etc.). In 2010, we extended the social graph, via the Open Graph protocol, to include websites and pages that people liked throughout the web. We are now extending the Open Graph to include other actions and objects created by apps and enabling these apps to integrate deeply into the Facebook experience.

This “How-To” video walks you through our tutorial showing you step-by-step how to build an Open Graph app that allows users to publish stories about cooking recipes.

We are really excited about the new class of apps that are now made possible. The Open Graph Beta is available for you to try out and get started.

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback in the comments below.