Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

September 16, 2011

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

By Sean Quinlan

This week we announced the following:

  • A faster, more efficient way to report bugs with a new bug tool.
  • Dev App integration with Heroku: developers can directly start building an app in your choice of languages, including PHP, Ruby, Node.js and Python at no cost.
  • A redesign of Platform Status to make it easier for you to see the current status, issue history, and API health of our Platform.

Managing Events Now Available in the Graph API

This week, we released a long-awaited update to our Graph API for Events. Through the Graph API, apps are now able to create, view, delete, and query RSVP status for user events.

See our How-To: Use the Graph API to Manage Events and the documentation for the Graph API Event object for the full details.

Facebook Credits: Opening Features to All Developers

With the Facebook Credits migration now complete, we are announcing several upcoming changes to the program in an effort to better support the broader developer ecosystem.

Starting October 14, the following changes will be made to support developers integrating Facebook Credits as a Currency and Facebook Credits as a Payment Method:

  • DealSpot Ad-Targeting Engagements and Broad Category Targeting will be made available to both types of implementations.
  • Games Dashboard Featured Status and Social Placements will be evaluated on a case by case basis, such as for game quality, genre and new functionality.

During the initial Credits roll out, developers who integrated Facebook Credits as a Currency benefited from early access to these features. Soon, all implementations of Facebook Credits will be able to take advantage of these features.

For additional details, please visit: Facebook Credits.

Reminder: Breaking Changes coming on Oct 1st

The following breaking changes are slated to go into effect on the 1st of October:

  1. OAuth 2.0 Migration

    All apps must migrate to OAuth 2.0 for authentication. The old SDKs, including the old JavaScript SDK (FeatureLoader.js) and old iOS SDK (facebook-iphone-sdk) will no longer work.

  2. Apps on Facebook authentication and security migration

    All Canvas and Page tab apps must convert to process signed_request (fb_sig will be removed) and obtain an SSL certificate for use in Secure Canvas URL and Secure Page Tab URL (unless you are in Sandbox mode).

  3. Auth 1.0 deprecation

    Auth.promotesession, auth.createtoken, auth.expiresession, auth.getsession will be removed on Oct 1st. Details on support for OAuth 2.0.

  4. manage_pages permission required to access user accounts (/me/accounts)

    We are modifying access to the FQL page_admin table and the graph.facebook.com/me/accounts endpoint. Previously, with basic permissions granted, an app could go to this endpoint or the FQL table to access the list of a users’ apps and Pages. We are going to require that apps have the manage_pages permission in order to obtain access to this information.

90 Day Deprecation Announcement

The following breaking change is slated to go into effect on the 1st of January, 2012


We are deprecating FB.Data.waitOn and FB.Data.query. We noticed that these APIs are relatively sparsely used, and this functionality can be easily accomplished by FB.api.


This week, we publish an entirely new PHP SDK reference.

We updated the FQL documentation for the following tables:

We updated the Javascript SDK documentation for the following APIs:

We also updated the docs for the Pay Dialog.

72 docs are under review.


This week, we introduced our new bug tool, a replacement for Bugzilla (now read-only), as such we're reporting the new bug tool stats going forward as well as stats for Bugzilla.

There are 57 open bugs in the bug tool.

Bugzilla activity for the past 7 days:

  • 226 new bugs were reported
  • 22 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 4 bugs were fixed (none of which were reported this week)
  • As of today, there are 1,470 open bugs in Bugzilla (up 225 from last week)

Facebook Stack Overflow Activity

Activity on facebook.stackoverflow.com this week:

  • 570 questions asked
  • 138 answered, 24% answered rate
  • 295 replied, 52% reply rate


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