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Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

April 29, 2011ByTR Vishwanath

This week we launched the Send button to give users an easy way to privately share content with groups and individuals.

Using the Graph API to get permissions granted
As part of our efforts to transition functionality from legacy REST APIs to the Graph API, we added the ability to retrieve the list of permissions users have granted your app by adding the permissions connection to the User object. Similar to other User object connections, you can query for the list of permissions granted by calling:

Here is a simple PHP sample to show how to query for which permissions you've granted an application:


  $app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID";
  $app_secret = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"; 
  $my_url = "YOUR_POST_LOGIN_URL"; 

  $code = $_REQUEST["code"];
  if(empty($code)) {
    $dialog_url = "" 
    . $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) . "&scope=email";

    echo("<script>top.location.href='" . $dialog_url . "'</script>");

  $token_url = ""
    . $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) 
    . "&client_secret=" . $app_secret 
    . "&code=" . $code;

  $access_token = file_get_contents($token_url);
  echo "graph_url=" . $graph_url . "<br />";
  $user_permissions = json_decode(file_get_contents($graph_url));


Developer Site Latency

On April 26th, we moved the Facebook Developer site from a small, dedicated tier to the same hosts that serve As you can see from the graph below, it has increased our site’s performance significantly since the migration.

Improving our Reference Docs

As part of Operation Developer Love, we have a goal to improve and update the Graph API, FQL, XFBML, and SDK reference documentation to ensure that the information is complete with examples, accurate, and verified within the past 90 days. Going forward, we will track and share our weekly progress to keep our team accountable to these efforts to make the Dev Site the best resource for you to build your Facebook app. To receive more frequent updates on particular docs, you can click “Like” at the bottom of each ref doc.

Documentation activity for the past 7 days:

  • 138 docs are under review (kicking things off)

Fixing Bugs

Bugzilla activity for the past 7 days:

  • 156 new bugs were reported
  • 31 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 12 bugs were fixed (none of which were reported this week)
  • As of today, there are 1,206 open bugs in Bugzilla (down 23 from last week)

Forum Activity

Developer Forum activity for the past 7 days:

  • 448 New Topics Created
  • 199 New Topics received a reply
  • Of those 199, 3 were replied to by a Facebook Employee
  • Of those 199, 38 were replied to by a community moderator

Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback in the comments below.
