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Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

April 1, 2011ByColm Doyle

This weekly update comes from Dublin, Ireland, where we’ve concluded Operation Developer Love: Europe 2011. We want to thank the hundreds of developers that spoke to us and came out to our events. This trip has been invaluable to us as we think through the next steps for our products and programs. As promised at the events, we will post the slides and videos to the Dev Site as soon as we can (we hoped to have them posted by now, but are still working on getting all the materials together).

Embedding videos in the News Feed

Developers often want the ability to play video or flash media files within the News Feed. Previously, this required that your domain get added to a whitelist. We have now opened this up to every domain. To embed your video into the News Feed, add the appropriate Open Graph protocol meta tags to your page:

  • og:video - e.g., ""
  • og:video:height - e.g. "640"
  • og:video:width - e.g. "385"
  • og:video:type - e.g. "application/x-shockwave-flash"

If you don't specify a og:video:type, we will try to infer the type. For example:

<html xmlns:og="">
<meta property="og:video" content="" />
<meta property="og:video:height" content="640" />
<meta property="og:video:width" content="385" />
<meta property="og:video:type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

Changes to Events connection in Graph API and event_member FQL table

Starting on Tuesday next week, developers can specify a start_time when querying the event_member FQL table. For example, you can query the event_member table to see all the events that I was invited to last year:

SELECT eid from event_member where uid=260300016 
and start_time > 1270098000

Looking at the usage of this table and the increasing number of events, we have decided to only return events that have occurred over the past two weeks by default. For example, if you query

SELECT eid from event_member where uid=260300016
it will return events that I have been invited to in the past two weeks rather than all the events that I have been invited to.

We think this will result in noticeable performance increases for apps utilizing event data. We plan on implementing this change on May 3rd, 2011.

After this date, if you want all events, you can simply query for events for a start_time > 0. For example:

SELECT eid from event_member where uid=260300016 and start_time > 0
will return all the events that I have been invited to.

This will also affect the Graph API where will return only events from the past two weeks.

Like button on Platform documentation pages

We often hear that developers want to stay abreast of changes made to our documentation. We recently added a Like button to all of the documentation pages on the Developer Site. If you "like" a doc, we will publish back updates to your News Feed whenever the doc is substantially updated.

Bugzilla activity for the past 7 days:

  • 154 new bugs were reported
  • 49 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 16 bugs were fixed (10 previously reported bugs and 6 new bugs)
  • As of today, there are 1,161 open bugs in Bugzilla (down 43 from last week)

Developer Forum activity for the past 7 days:

  • 527 New Topics Created
  • 324 New Topics received a reply
  • Of those 324, 31 were replied to by a Facebook Employee
  • Of those 324, 35 were replied to by a community moderator

Colm Doyle on the Developer Support team in Dublin is excited to watch Rebecca Black embedded in his News Feed.
