Platform Updates: Requests, Open Graph Types and More

November 19, 2010

Platform Updates: Requests, Open Graph Types and More

New Requests Education
As part of our ongoing efforts to educate users on the new home for requests, we have reintroduced games and apps request links on the right side of the homepage. These links will trigger a dialog to educate users that they can now access their requests in the games and application dashboards. This is one of the many new initiatives we are testing to drive more usage of requests and the dashboards.

Ability to change Open Graph types
Based on feedback from developers, we now allow sites to change Open Graph objects types (og:type) until they receive 10,000 likes. This will not reset like counts. We encourage developers use this opportunity to add or correct their Open Graph object types so they will be accurately represented in the future.

Operation Developer Love
Bugzilla activity for the past seven days:

  • 166 new bugs were reported
  • 33 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 29 bugs were fixed (20 previously reported bugs and 9 new bugs)
  • As of today, there are 4,302 open bugs in Bugzilla

Developer Forum activity for the past seven days:

  • 531 New Topics were Created
  • 209 New Topics received at least one reply in the past week
  • Of those, 119 were replied to by an admin
  • Of those, 31 were replied to by an moderator

Carl Sjogreen is a product manager for Facebook Platform.


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