Developer news
After f8: Implementing the Open Graph Protocol around the Web

We shared an update last week about the products launched at f8 and that over 50,000 websites have already implemented the new social plugins to become more personalized. We created the Open Graph protocol in support of social plugins as part of our efforts to help realize the vision of the Open Graph.

Any website can implement the Open Graph protocol. It allows any web page to become a rich object in any social graph, making it easy to find what people are liking across the Web -- from a movie to a blog. To start integrating the Open Graph protocol into your Web pages, read our documentation.

Last week, Facebook's David Recordon gave a presentation at the WWW Conference explaining the design decisions behind the Open Graph protocol, which is embedded below. Additionally, members of the W3C's Linked Data Camp helped to develop a RDF schema file which relates the Open Graph protocol to existing ontologies (such as Dublin Core, FOAF, and DBpedia).

Open Graph Protocol Design Decisions

Developers have created Open Graph protocol implementations in Java, Perl, PHP, and Ruby, as well as a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to add the metadata to any blog. Services like og:it parse any Web page and display Open Graph protocol data. Toby Inkster hacked together a system that converts the Open Graph protocol RDFa markup to JSON and Chris Thorpe created, which outputs HTML and JSON.

Beyond helping relate the Open Graph protocol to Semantic Web technologies and developing a variety of open source implementations, the community identified that a page type for an 'article' (such as a blog post or story on CNN) was missing. Multiple developers stood up saying that they would implement this new type if it were to exist, and it's now part of the specification.(We'll be shipping support for the new article type this week.)

Even though we released the protocol less than two weeks ago, it's clear that a community is already forming around it. This community is already taking an active part in its evolution and developers are excited about building upon these new tools. We look forward to even more development and adoption in the coming weeks and months. Visit the Open Graph protocol site site for more information.

Mark, a product manager on the Facebook Platform team, likes the Open Graph protocol.