Join Us Tomorrow at TechCrunch50!

At Facebook, we enable developers and entrepreneurs large and small to leverage our tools to build social features into their sites and applications. Tomorrow, we’ll be at the TechCrunch50 conference in San Francisco to speak with start-ups about how they can optimize their businesses with Facebook Connect.

We hope you'll join us either in person or via live stream as we share our thoughts on innovation and entrepreneurship at the Facebook Developer Garage San Francisco – TechCrunch50 Edition. Alongside JibJab, we will demonstrate the latest Facebook features and share Facebook Connect success factors.

In the afternoon, Mike Schroepfer, Facebook Vice President of Engineering, will be joined by industry luminaries Dick Costolo, Reid Hoffman, Sean Parker, and Robert Scoble as they give advice to start-ups launching in the News and Media Discovery and Social Media Streams spaces.

Catch the event online starting at 1:15 PM PDT on Tuesday.

Free Webcam Chat at UStream

Schedule (all times PDT Tuesday):
1:15 - 2:15 PM -- Facebook Developer Garage San Francisco – TechCrunch50 Edition.
2:30 – 4:00 PM -- Start-ups focused on News and Media Discovery.
4:15 - 5:45 PM -- Start-ups focused on Social Media Streams.

Julia, who manages developer events worldwide, looks forward to seeing you all tomorrow!