Today, we have made changes to our iOS FBLogin SDK in response to the overall changes to iOS that will affect all iOS developers who utilize FBLogin. In order to avoid potential app disruption, we are recommending iOS developers to do one of the following, based on how their application is utilizing FBLogin:
Developers currently using Limited Login and/or manual endpoints: Update the Facebook Login SDK to the most recent version and update any Limited Login endpoint domains within your application to the new Limited Login endpoint (as shown here).
Developers not currently using Limited Login: We recommend you update the Facebook Login SDK to the most recent version, integrate Limited Login into your application, and update any Limited Login endpoint domains within your application to the new Limited Login endpoint (as shown here). Alternatively, you can update the Facebook Login SDK to the most recent version without integrating Limited Login into your application. However, if you do not integrate Limited Login, you will need to handle all Graph API calls using Graph API, iOS. Any Graph API, iOS calls that do not fall within these permissions will fail. Also, please note that the access token will not be valid.
You can learn more about how to implement these changes here. You can also visit our FAQ for more information.