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An update to ad objectives: Upcoming API changes to campaign creation using the original objectives

February 13, 2023ByJay Wei

As announced in December 2021, we redesigned the objective selection experience when creating new campaigns to effectively guide advertisers to campaign setups that help to better achieve their marketing goals. The simplified objectives consolidated the 11 original objectives into 6 new objectives. This resulted in changes to the API to support the new experience.

Impact to API campaign creation in Q2 2023

We are announcing that beginning with Marketing API v17.0 (to be released in Spring 2023), campaigns can only be created with simplified objectives. Existing campaigns using the original objectives will not be impacted, and you will still be able to duplicate these campaigns as well.

Impacted Objectives

Beginning with Marketing API v17.0, the endpoint POST {ad-account-id}/campaigns will be impacted with the below objectives being deprecated:


For more details on how to select a simplified objective based on the original objective you may have used in the past, see here.

Impacted Parameters

Because the simplified objectives are now available to all Ad Accounts, two parameters that distinguish between accounts with and without the simplified objectives are now obsolete. These parameters will be deprecated with Marketing API v17.0.

  • The write parameter odax_opt_in for the Ad Account node will be deprecated.

  • Similarly, reading the field has_advertiser_opted_in_odax on Ad Account will be deprecated.

Store traffic objective in the API

In Marketing API v17.0, you will no longer be able to create new campaign using the original store traffic objective, STORE_VISITS. To create new store traffic campaigns, advertisers can instead use the simplified campaign objective OUTCOME_AWARENESS, which is where store location features now live. See guidance below for details on creating new store traffic campaigns.

Prerequisite: Page Structure Setup

Assuming the business operates from multiple stores, you must first have a Page structure set up with a main Page. Refer to the guides below to learn how to do this in Business Manager or via the API.

Creating Store Traffic Ads

To create a store traffic campaign, use the following three parameters when creating the campaign and ad set.

  • Campaign Objective = OUTCOME_AWARENESS
  • Adset Promoted Object should contain PLACE_PAGE_SET_ID parameter
  • Adset Optimization Goal = REACH
