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Videos on the Rise for Mobile Game Advertisers

August 13, 2015ByRaghu Nayani

Over the past year, a growing number of mobile app advertisers have found success using video creative in their app ads to drive installs. In fact, video app ad impressions have grown roughly 10x since December 1 of last year, when we enabled autoplay for video app ads.

Gaming advertisers in particular are seeing positive results — installs from video app ads have returned higher lifetime value (LTV) and better engagement compared to image ads. This is because videos provide a much richer and engaging experience that allows advertisers to demonstrate the best features of their app or game, like a trailer or action scene. In addition, we’re excited to have recently made video app ads available off Facebook in our Audience Network to help boost performance even further.

Here are some examples of gaming apps that are seeing success with video app ads when compared to static image app ads:

Our marketing partners are sharing similar success stories. In a recent study, Nanigans found that video app ads resulted in a 16% lower CPI and drove more scale for their gaming advertisers.

Another Facebook Marketing Partner, Ampush, is seeing comparable performance from their clients.

"Facebook mobile app ads using video are opening eyes among our customers,” said Ampush CEO Jesse Pujji. “The format advances the promise of in-feed advertising by being even more engaging and relevant for consumers. Best of all, it works. One of our large gaming advertisers reduced CPI by 35% while doubling the number of acquisitions. These are the types of results that make Facebook such a critical part of any advertising plan."

If you are interested in learning more, check out our best practices and webinar to learn how to optimize your video ad campaigns for Facebook.