Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

March 22, 2012

Platform Updates: Operation Developer Love

By Jeff Bowen

Since last Wednesday's update, we launched a new Mobile Referrals dashboard, highlighted video-sharing site Izlesene's Facebook integration, and the guys from SoundCloudshared about issues with HTML5 audio on our HTML5 blog.

Completed Review of Open Graph Submissions Backlog

We appreciated your patience as we reviewed the thousands of Open Graph submissions made since f8. We are through the backlog and continue to reduce our response time for new submissions. Please remember to complete the updated Open Graph Checklist before you submit or resubmit.

Upcoming Breaking Changes on April 1, 2012

Removing support to claim Domains using Page ID
We will remove the ability to claim domains with a Page ID. The recommended option for claiming domains is with an App ID or User ID and existing domains that have been claimed will continue to work fine. After claiming domains, owners are able to view insights or run Domain Sponsored Stories. See the Insights documentation for more on the updated domain claiming flow.

Making deprecated SDK repositories private
We will make the Python and C# SDK repositories on GitHub private. These repositories are deprecated and may not work as expected due to changes in our auth system.

Removing canvas_name field from application object - Originally scheduled for February 1st, 2012
We will be removing the canvas_name field in favor of namespace field on the application object.

Please check out the Developer Roadmap for more upcoming changes.

Bugs activity between Tuesday, March 13 and Tuesday, March 20

  • 236 bugs were reported
  • 43 bugs were reproducible and accepted (after duplicates removed)
  • 12 bugs were by design
  • 28 bugs were fixed
  • 81 bugs were duplicate, invalid, or need more information

Bugs fixed between Tuesday, March 13 and Tuesday, March 20

Activity on facebook.stackoverflow.com between Tuesday, March 13 and Tuesday, March 20

  • 167 questions asked
  • 146 questions with a score of 0 or greater
  • 54 answered, 37% answered rate
  • 92 replied, 63% reply rate


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