As you may know, we've been bringing Facebook Hacks to cities around the world this year: in the US, Europe, and Asia so far.
This spring, we're back in Palo Alto, California, and are very proud to be part of the AT&T Mobile Hackathon on May 4th. Together with AT&T and WAC, this event will be a great opportunity to use Facebook Platform and Open Graph to build social mobile apps, as well as learn about AT&T's HTML5 SDKs and how to use carrier billing to monetize them.
The event kicks off at 6pm on the evening of Friday 4th May, and runs through to Saturday evening - giving you a full 24 hours of hacking to build an apps worthy of the $20,000 prize.
Sign up for the event here while places last. Facebook will be there in force throughout the event, and we look forward to seeing you there and to finding out what you can do.
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