This week we launched the ability for developers signing up for Facebook Credits to have the option to use PayPal as a payout option.
Breaking change: Graph API PROFILE_ID/feed and PROFILE_ID/posts requires access_token
The Graph API PROFILE_ID/feed/
for a Page
, Application
, User
or Group
and PROFILE_ID/posts
for a Page
or User
will now require a vaild access_token
to access the wall or posts of the corresponding object (where previously no access_token
was required). This will also affect direct FQL queries to the stream table, when querying for posts on a wall.
You will need to pass a valid app or user access_token
to access this functionality. Please update your code if you are calling this API without an access token. This change will go live a week from today - Friday(June 3rd). We have updated the Roadmap to reflect this change.
Moving forward, you should always pass a valid app or user access_token with all API requests.
Graph API to Tag photos
As part of our effort to bring the Graph API up to parity with REST this week we added support for reading, writing and updating tags on a photo via Graph API.
request to PHOTO_ID/tags
request to the tags connection, PHOTO_ID/tags
. You can specify which user to tag using two methods: in the URL path as PHOTO_ID/tags/USER_ID
, or in a URL parameter as PHOTO_ID/tags?to=USER_ID
with the publish_stream permission. HTTP POST
request to /PHOTO_ID/tags/USER_ID
or PHOTO_ID/tags?to=USER_ID
with updated x and y coordinates with the publish_stream permission. Note: This feature is intended to help users tag their friends in real photos. You should not use this feature to encourage users to tag their friends if their friends are not actually in that photo, or to tag friends in composite photos. If your app is find to be encouraging this behavior, your usage of this feature may be disabled. Please see the Photo reference doc for more information.
Here is a code sample that enables you to get a user’s photo, add a new tag to it and then updates the position coordinates of the tag.
<?php $app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID"; $app_secret = "YOUR_APP_SECRET"; $my_url = "YOUR_POST_LOGIN_URL"; $friend_to_tag_id= "ID_OF_FRIEND_TO_TAG"; $x_coordinate = "X_COORDINATE_OF_TAG"; $y_coordinate = "Y_COORDINATE_OF_TAG"; $x_new_coordinate = "NEW_X_COORDINATE_OF_TAG"; $y_new_coordinate = "NEW_Y_COORDINATE_OF_TAG"; //authentication with publish_stream, user_photo_video_tags permission $code = $_REQUEST["code"]; if(empty($code)) { $dialog_url = "" . $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) . "&scope=publish_stream,user_photo_video_tags"; echo("<script>top.location.href='" . $dialog_url . "'</script>"); } $token_url = "" . $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($my_url) . "&client_secret=" . $app_secret . "&code=" . $code; $response = file_get_contents($token_url); $params = null; parse_str($response, $params); $access_token = $params['access_token']; //get the user's photos and photo_id for the first pictre $post_url = "" . "access_token=". $access_token; $response = file_get_contents($post_url); $decoded_response = json_decode($response); $photo_id = $decoded_response->data[0]->id; //Tag friend_to_tag_id at position (x_coordinate, y_coordinate) $post_url = "" .$photo_id . "/tags/" . $friend_to_tag_id . "?access_token=". $access_token . "&x=" . $x_coordinate . "&y=" . $y_coordinate . "&method=POST"; $response = file_get_contents($post_url); if ($response) { //Print the tag we just added show_tag_info($photo_id, $friend_to_tag_id, $access_token); //Update the x and y coordiates of the user_id $post_url = "" .$photo_id . "/tags/" . $friend_to_tag_id . "?access_token=". $access_token . "&x=" . $x_new_coordinate . "&y=" . $y_new_coordinate . "&method=POST"; $response = file_get_contents($post_url); //Print the tag we just updated show_tag_info($photo_id,$friend_to_tag_id, $access_token); } else echo("errors"); //Function to print the tag information for friend_to_tag_id function show_tag_info($photo_id, $friend_to_tag_id, $access_token) { //get the tags on the picture $post_url = "" . $photo_id ."/tags?access_token=". $access_token; $response = file_get_contents($post_url); $decoded_response = json_decode($response); //get the tag for friend_to_tag_id and display its coordinates foreach ($decoded_response->data as $tag) { $user_id = $tag->id; if ($user_id==$friend_to_tag_id) break; } $x = $tag->x; $y = $tag->y; $text= "user id= " . $user_id . " x = ". $x . " y = ". $y; echo ($text . “<br"/>); } ?>
Sample result
user id= 499324276 x = 20 y = 30 user id= 499324276 x = 40 y = 50
NOTE: The x and y coordinates in this example are offsets, in percentage, from the left and top edge of the photo, respectively.
Graph API to get user’s video_upload_limits
We also added support to the Graph API where you can now get video_upload_limits for a specific user by issuing a HTTP GET
request to USER_ID?fields=video_upload_limits with the appropriate access token. &access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
See the User reference doc for more information.
Launching Facebook and Games Page
We are launching the Facebook + Games page similar to our Facebook + media page and Facebook + commerce page to share the latest industry news and best practices for the vertical. Please like the Facebook and Games Page if you wish to stay informed about Facebook Platform games ecosystem and social gaming innovation.
Documentation activity for the past 7 days:
We have been primarily focused on updating Graph API documentation.
Fixing Bugs
Bugzilla activity for the past 7 days:
Forum Activity
Developer Forum activity for the past 7 days:
Dhiren Patel on the Developer Relations team just tagged himself in a photo via the Graph API.