Postcards from July Developer Events

August 4, 2009

Postcards from July Developer Events

By Julia Lam

Platform events were mostly focused on the Developer Garage program this month. The Facebook Developer Garage program serves as a forum to share new ideas with developers and find partners like you.

At the Facebook Developer Garage Ireland, 150 developers focused on Facebook Connect and app demonstrations. Facebook’s Colm Long gave more insight into Facebook ads and the impressive growth figures in Ireland.

In nearby London, over 100 developers examined case studies about Facebook Pages and shared insight into how major television shows are using Facebook Pages to share content. They also discussed how to best leverage Facebook applications on Pages.

To the east in Pune, India, 150 developers gathered to learn about Facebook Platform and Facebook Connect from Facebook Engineer Ruchi Sanghvi. These entrepreneurs and developers brainstormed how they could create apps and fill niches specifically for the Indian market.

If you'd like to host a Developer Garage in your region, please see our Developer Wiki to learn more about the program or check out the Platform Page to find more Garages near you.

We look forward to seeing you at a Facebook event soon!


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