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New Application Navigation

September 10, 2008ByJosh Elman

Last week we announced that we were working on one last feature we were really excited about to make applications easier to find. We're referring to it as the applications menu, and you’ll soon be able to see in the lower left corner of the screen in the same bar where chat messages appear.

In the new applications menu, all of a user's bookmarks will appear and be easily accessible. In addition, up to six application icons will be shown to the right of the menu button. When a user is using your application, they will be able to easily identify and bookmark your application with just one click.

Feedback we received indicated that users were having trouble with the Applications link in the top menu. People weren't easily finding their way to their favorite applications. By moving this menu and displaying a few icons at the new location, users will always be able to find the applications they use, as well as easily bookmark their favorite applications or the ones they use the most.

One further note about icons. With the new profile design, your application icons appear on off-white backgrounds. We strongly recommend that, if you're not already doing so, you use transparent GIFs for your icons. For most applications, this should be as easy as adding transparency to the edges of the icon.

As always, keep sending us your feedback in the Developer Forum.
