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We'd Like Your Feedback on Our Blog

September 30, 2008ByPete Bratach

Developers, we welcome your feedback on a new direction we're thinking with how we communicate with you.

Currently, we have this blog, which provides important announcements and is the "official voice" of Facebook Platform. We also have the Platform Status Feed, where we publish quick, often important announcements, on anything from the current Platform health to notable changes or reminders that the beta site is available for your testing.

Soon we're going to start expanding the scope of our communications with you. We think you'd like to hear from more of our engineers and other members of the Platform team, so we're going to start allowing our team to blog about Facebook on their personal blogs, in an unofficial capacity. An engineer might want to talk about a novel way of using Feed forms, for example, or you might want to hear more personal thoughts about the fbFund selection process. And for times like this, we want to surface this content on Facebook as well.

And this is where you come in. Would you want to read these blogs on a separate feed or as part of this developer blog? We'd love to hear what you think. Take a few seconds to respond to this poll.
