f8: Live Webcast Link!

July 23, 2008

f8: Live Webcast Link!

By Caitlin O'Farrell Gallagher

f8 ‘08 is here!! It’s gonna be a jam-packed event with something for everyone, and we’re psyched to welcome folks to the Design Center in San Francisco in a couple hours.

For those of you around the world that can't be here in person, we’d love for you to join the keynotes via webcast from 1:30 – 3:00PM PST on Wednesday 7/23. Mark Zuckerberg and Ben Ling will be speaking, and there is plenty of room for everyone.

If you can’t tune in then, we’ll be uploading the video to developers.facebook.com afterwards.

Webcast Link: http://www.visualwebcaster.com/Facebook/


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